Heartland Church
Knob Noster, Missouri
Times and Location
Meeting Times
You're invited to join us every Sunday at the following times for Bible study, fellowship, worship and preaching. We meet every week at the following times:
Sunday morning Bible study for all ages: 9:00 am
Sunday morning worship: 10:00 am
On many Sundays we offer Children's Church for children ages 4 through 12. Nursery care is provided during the Bible study and worship hours.
We offer Bible study on Wednesday for children, youth and adults during the school year from 7 - 8 pm. Special Bible studies are available during the summer months. Nursery care is not provided on Wednesdays.
Our church is located on Highway 23 between Knob Noster and Concordia. It also can be reached from the east and west using Route E.
* Heartland Church