Heartland Church
Knob Noster, Missouri
Whether you’ve never been to church, attended for years or are returning after a long absence, we invite you to get acquainted with Heartland Church, and, more importantly, get connected with Christ. God is working in and through our congregation in exciting ways, and we’re delighted that He’s leading you to consider Heartland.
You’ll receive welcoming smiles and handshakes the first time you visit us. We won’t embarrass you by announcing your name or expect you to participate in the offering. You don’t have to dress up for church - just come as you are!
If you want our pastor or one of our deacons to contact you, just complete the form located under the "contact" tab of this website or fill out a guest card when you come to Heartland. We’d love to bring you a welcoming gift and get to know you and your family personally.
If you’re looking for a church home, we encourage you to visit Heartland at least three times to experience more fully what it’s like to be a part of our church family. If we're having a special event at the church, please join us. If it’s a dinner, don’t bring any food – just your appetite!.
Select the links below to discover more about our congregation. We’re praying that you’ll join us next Sunday!